Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or SCADA is a purely software package that is positioned integrate the hardware in which it is interfaced, in general via Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), or other commercial hardware modules. The SCADA used in MSSS provides continuous monitoring, logging, control and diagnostic capablities for the sub-systems in the OFB-RS. The SCADA sub-system allows equipment located at a Remote Sensor Site (RSS) to be remotely monitored and controlled by operators at the associated Area Control Centre (ACC) and Main Control Centre (MCC).

Common Controller (ComCon) Stations, Man Machine Interface (MMI) Stations and Remote Terminal Units (RTU). The RTU is displayed at the remote site and receives status information of the equipment located there. It then sends the status information to the Master Stations at the ACCs and MCC where the operator can view them. The operator is also able to issue equipment control commands to the RTU via the Master Station. The Master Station is a computer that utilizes graphical, unambiguous and user-friendly SCADA software to display information to the operator.