Vessel Traffic System or VTS has taken an important first step in the enhancement of
traffic safety and its minimisation of traffic hazards within the territorial waters
of Malaysia at Straits of Malacca.
VTS comprises of Ground Based Microwave Radar Sub-System, VHF and HF Radio, and a
fully integrated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. Through the
system, the Waterways of the Straits are represented as a multi-lane highway with
lanes catered for northbound and southbound vessels called the Traffic Separation
Scheme (TSS). In addition the System divides the Straits into 9 sectors that are
enhanced by the radar coverage found at various Remote Sensor Sites (RSS). Display
and data processing equipment are located at Area Control Centres (ACCs) and at the
Maritime Enforcement Coordination Centre (MECC).
The flexible design of the control centres allows authorisation for users to obtain
selected information on a need-to-know-basis. The Control Centres are linked together
through a 24-hours, 100% availability communication system that comprises of routers,
state-of-the-art communication gear with the Microwave linkages provided by Telekom
This communication system allows personnel from any ACC to transmit data,
tracks, Vessel Information, and other pertinent information to any one of the four
existing Control Centres. With the implementation of this solution for the Straits
the Government of Malaysia has ensured Malaysia's place in the forum of safety and
efficiency in traffic management through its waterways.